Café And Bike Hire In Glenlivet  … :)

Café And Bike Hire In Glenlivet  … :)
It finally feels as though everything is bursting into life again. The landscape is
so green, the birds are singing, our chickens are laying well and the fruit trees
are in full bloom. We've also been making good progress in the Polycrub,
building boxes and filling them up. So much so, that I'm planning on popping
our young plants in their beds today. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself … 🌱
I love getting my hands in the dirt, it's my happy place, my peace. I'll share
some pictures of our Polycrub progress tomorrow.

In the meantime here's a quick through back to last Friday. We've recently
celebrated another anniversary, and decided to take our kids out for breakfast.
Our local café @bikeglenlivet is wonderful. The food is yummy and the staff are
so friendly. Set amongst the trees it's so pretty and the views are spectacular.
If your ever in the area, I'd definitely check it out.
Oh well, out to the garden … 🪴😃 I hope you have a good day too …

#landscape #scotland #outdoors #lifestyle #adventure #travel
#homesteading #craft #family #handmade #design #gardening #garden
#polycrub #greenhouse #summer #growyourown #food #home
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