We’re Still Enjoying Garlic From Our Garden … :)

We’re Still Enjoying Garlic From Our Garden … :)
I’m so grateful to have our garden, and more so, for the fact that it is still providing for us over the winter months.
Our homegrown garlic has been a really tasty addition to most of the dishes I cook. Not to mention all the health benefits … so far we’ve managed to avoid all the nasty flu viruses going around at the moment. 🤞
We decided to freeze our garlic this year, and I’m so glad we did … it’s been a really great and convenient way to store it. Before freezing, we simply peeled the cloves and popped them in a wee box. I then double bagged the box with freezer bags, just to prevent the smell of garlic seeping into the other foods (it worked well).
Anyway, we still have a few cloves left, and that makes me so happy … we’ll definitely be freezing it again this year. 🌱😃
#garlic #freezer
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